In this episode Joe Lessard talked through some of the pros and cons of purchasing vs. starting your own health care practice. Joe and host Ericka Adler delved into the key considerations practitioners should make when choosing which direction to go, including the importance of assembling a team of experts, conducting due diligence, and setting realistic expectations.
In this episode Joe Lessard offered a variety of tips to navigate private practice success for doctors and dentists.
If you’re starting up a medical or dental practice, you have a ton of decisions to make. And while many of them could be changed down the road, why not make solid choices at the beginning? Joe Lessard offered some tips on this episode of PracticeCare.
Thinking about selling your practice to private equity? Curious about it? Christopher Spoerl helps practice owners with such sales, and he offered what you what you need to be eyes wide open about it on this episode of PracticeCare.